to Oct 19
33rd Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference
Full Conference (2-3 days): $195 ($245 if registered after 9/26/17)
Who Should Attend
- Environmental Health Specialists who site, design, and inspect onsite system and well installations.
- Professional Engineers and Designers who want to better understand the relationship between soil science, site/system approval, and technology selection that matches design to site conditions.
- Certified Planners who balance economic development and land use limitations.
- Certified Operators who maintain on-site systems.
- Certified Installers and Inspectors who want to learn more about how systems work.
- Soil Scientists or other environmentalists who work in the on-site field.
- Manufacturers who have important product information to share.
- Public Officials concerned about the environmental and economic impact of on-site systems.
- Well Contractors who site and install wells.
- Developers and Builders who want to develop and build profitable and economically sustainable communities