North Carolina .1950a - Sanitary Sewage System Setbacks
Every sanitary sewage treatment and disposal system shall be located at least the minimum horizontal distance from the following:
Any private water supply source, including any well or spring 100 feet;
Any public water supply source 100 feet
Streams classified as
WS-I 100 feet
Waters classified as S.A. 100 feet, from mean high water mark
Other coastal waters 50 feet, from mean high water mark
Any building foundation 5 feet
Top of slope of embankments or cuts of 2 feet or more vertical height 15 feet
Any other stream, canal, marsh, or other surface waters 50 feet
Any basement 15 feet
Interceptor drains, foundation drains, and storm water diversions: Upslope 10', Sideslope 15', Downslope 25' - Groundwater lowering ditches and devices 25'
Any Class I or Class II reservoir 100 feet, from normal pool elevation
Any property line 10 feet
Any permanent storm water retention pond 50 feet, from flood pool elevation; Any other lake or pond 50 feet, from normal pool elevation
Any swimming pool 15 feet;
Any water line 10 feet
Any other nitrification field (except repair area) 20 feet