Homes in Seven Lakes West are serviced by septic systems which are mini-residential sewage disposal plants. Periodic maintenance and inspection of these systems is of paramount importance to the continued health of our largest asset - our beautiful Lake Auman, as well as to the continued value of the residential investment made by the property owner.
When properly sited and maintained on a routine basis, septic systems are an excellent waste management solution. However, when not properly sited or maintained, they can cause contamination of surface and groundwater resources, which leads to public health and pollution problems. Bacteria and viruses from effluent that reach surface water can cause serious illnesses in humans who come in contact with these contagions while swimming.
Scientists are discovering that water quality and aquatic organisms may also be negatively affected by what is being called “contaminants of emerging concern”. These include components of household products we use everyday including personal care products (make-up, toothpaste etc.) pharmaceuticals, nano-materials, flame retardants, and plasticizers that are not treated by on-site septic systems and could reach surface waters. Pharmaceuticals that contain endocrine-active compounds (for example birth control pills) can pass through our digestive systems into waste water and eventually lakes and streams.