(a) All septage shall be transported in a safe, sanitary manner that prevents leaks and spills and comply with the following:

  1. (1)  All tanks shall be constructed of metal and permanently attached to the truck bed, unless otherwise approved by the Division;

  2. (2)  All valves shall be in proper working order and be completely closed during transportation;

  3. (3)  All access ports shall have proper fitting lids in good repair and be completely closed during transportation;

  4. (4)  Portable toilet pump units that slide into pickup truck beds shall be bolted to the trucks in accordance with manufacturer specifications;

  5. (5)  Boats used to pump or transport septage shall be United States Coast Guard approved or engineered plans shall be available indicating that the specific craft is stable in the water when fully loaded; and

  6. (6)  Tanks that are mounted on trailers for the pumping or transportation of septage shall meet all applicable state and federal requirements for highway use.

(b) All permitted septage management firms shall display decals or lettering on each side of every pumper vehicle operated by the firm. The decals or lettering shall include the name, address (town name), phone number, and septage management firm permit number. All decals or lettering on the pumper vehicle shall be no less than three inches in height and plainly visible. Identification shall be permanently attached (i.e., no removable signs).
(c) Applicants for septage management firm permits which were not permitted in the previous calendar year shall have each pump truck inspected prior to the Division's issuance of a permit.
(d) Septage to be discharged at a wastewater treatment plant or any part of the collection system for that plant shall be handled in accordance with the plant rules and policies.
(e) All vehicles used in the transportation of septage, including spare vehicles and tankers, shall meet the requirements of this section and be included in the permit application.
(f) Vehicles used in the transportation of septage, that are listed on an approved septage management firm permit application, may remain loaded or partially loaded on land owned by the septage management firm for up to seven days without obtaining a permit for a detention or treatment facility. Such vehicles shall comply with all parts of this Rule. 



(a) Adherence to the site restrictions in 40 CFR 503.32(c) of Subpart D shall be required.
(b) Nursery and horticultural products, trees and other forest products, including but not limited to pine straw and pine bark, shall not be harvested or gathered for 30 days after septage application.
(c) Public access is to be controlled in accordance with 40 CFR 503.32(c) of Subpart D.
(d) The permit holder or operator of the site shall notify the Division at least 30 days prior to final closure of a septage land application site in order to schedule a site inspection for determination of compliance with this Section.
(e) Prior to final closure, the soil pH of the site shall be raised to 6.5, unless the fertility requirements for crops to be grown in the following year dictate less.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. October 1, 2009. 



(a) Applications for permits for innovative or alternative treatment methods that do not fit the criteria outlined in this section will be reviewed in accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-291.1(i).
(b) Applications shall include: If required by G.S. 89C, a professional engineer shall prepare these documents. [Note: The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors has determined, via letter dated March 11, 2010, that preparation of engineering design documents for alternative treatment methods that do not fit the criteria outlined in this Section constitutes practicing engineering under G.S. 89C.]

  1. (1)  The information required in Rule .0836(c) of this Section;

  2. (2)  An operation and maintenance manual consistent with the requirements of Rule .0836(e)(4);

  3. (3)  Means of demonstrating that the proposed method of treatment or storage will meet the appropriate standards for vector attraction reduction and pathogen reduction in this Section; and

  4. (4)  Testing methods and schedule to document Subparagraph (3) of this Paragraph.

(c) Innovative or alternative design criteria shall be approved in cases where the applicant can demonstrate that the alternative design criteria will provide the following:

(1) (2) (3)

History Note:

Eff. April 1, 2010

Equal or better treatment of the waste;
Equal or better protection of the waters of the state; and
No increased potential for nuisance conditions from noise, odor or vermin.

Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; 



(a) Septage detention facilities, used to meet the requirements of Rule .0838 (a)(20) or (21) of this Section, shall have a minimum size equal to the average volume of septage pumped per week. This does not limit the maximum capacity of a septage detention facility. Capacity shall be increased if it is demonstrated during site operation that this volume is inadequate or if specific site considerations would warrant such increases.

(b) Septage detention facilities for sites permitted to land apply in excess of 50,000 gallons per acre per year shall have a minimum size equal to two percent of the maximum annual application rate. Facilities permitted as of the effective date of this rule shall have 12 months to meet this requirement.
(c) Septage treatment and detention facility containers shall be structurally sound and constructed of steel, concrete, or fiberglass. If required by G.S. 89C, plans and specifications for proposed containers constructed of materials not specifically addressed in this Rule shall be prepared by a professional engineer. [Note: The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors, has determined, via letter and resolution dated March 7, 2010, that certification of documents pursuant to this Paragraph constitutes practicing engineering, under G.S. 89C.]

(d) A septage Treatment and Detention Facility permit holder and operator are responsible for the actions of any septage management firm that uses the detention or treatment facility.
(e) Each detention and treatment facility shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in such a manner as to:

  1. (1)  Prevent leaks or the flow of septage out of the facility into the seasonally high water table, onto the ground surface, or into any surface waters;

  2. (2)  Minimize the attraction or admittance of vectors; and

  3. (3)  Prevent unauthorized entry into septage containers or lagoons.

(f) Septage detention and treatment facilities located below grade shall:

  1. (1)  If required by G.S. 89C, a professional engineer shall certify that the construction was completed in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications prior to any waste being introduced into the system. [Note: The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors, has determined, via letter and resolution dated March 11, 2010, that certification of documents pursuant to this Paragraph constitutes practicing engineering, under G.S. 89C.];

  2. (2)  Be constructed to a traffic rated standard or protected from vehicular traffic; and

  3. (3)  Not be constructed of used metal tanks. Used metal tanks are allowed to be located beside a wall or

    embankment for gravity access as long as the entirety of the tank is visible.

(g) The permit holder of a septage treatment or detention facility shall control odors from the facility at the property boundary.
(h) Ground water monitoring wells or a leak detection system may be required around treatment or detention systems if necessary to assure protection of public health and the environment.
(i) The area around tanks shall be free of debris and vegetation to allow for access and inspection for a distance of at least 5 feet.


(j) Septage shall be transferred to and from a detention system in a safe and sanitary manner that prevents leaks or spills of septage, including septage in pipes used for transferring waste to and from vehicles.
(k) Access roads or paths crossing or leading to the facility shall be posted with "NO TRESPASSING" signs.

(l) Requirements (1)

(2) (3)

(4) (5)

(6) (7)



for lined lagoons:
Lined lagoons shall be permitted only at sites where the construction and use of a lagoon shall not jeopardize the public health or environment.
Portions of lined lagoons may be located below grade in accordance with Subparagraph (f)(1) of this Rule.
Only lagoons designed, constructed and inspected in accordance with accepted engineering principles providing for the protection of the underlying groundwater will be considered for use in a septage treatment or detention system. If required by G.S. 89C, a professional engineer shall certify that the construction was completed in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications prior to any waste being introduced into the system. [Note: The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors, has determined, via letter and resolution dated March 11, 2010, that certification of documents pursuant to this Paragraph constitutes practicing engineering under G.S. 89C.]
Liners shall be a minimum of 12 inches of clay compacted to a maximum permeability of 10
7 cm/sec or equivalent synthetic liner.
Synthetic liners shall have a minimum thickness of 30 mils. A synthetic liner shall have a demonstrated water vapor transmission rate of not more than 0.03 gm/m
2/day. Liner material and any seaming materials shall have chemical and physical resistance not adversely affected by environmental exposure or waste placement.
Clay liners with a permeability more than 10
7 cm/sec may be used in conjunction with a synthetic liner to meet the maximum permeability of 107 cm/sec or equivalent.
The surface of the supporting soil on which the liner will be installed shall be reasonably free of stones, organic matter, protrusions, loose soil, and any abrupt changes in grade that could affect the integrity of the liner.
Lagoons shall be designed and maintained to have adequate storage to handle the additional water from a 25-year storm.
Lagoons shall be protected from entry by unauthorized individuals by fencing or other appropriate means.

(m) Septage detention and treatment facilities shall adhere to the following minimum setback requirements:

  1. (1)  Residence, place of business, or place of public assembly 100 feet;

  2. (2)  Well or water supply spring 100 feet;

  3. (3)  Surface waters 100 feet;

  4. (4)  Property lines 50 feet;

  5. (5)  Facilities permitted after the effective date of this Rule shall not be located in the 100-year flood plain

    hazard area.

  6. (6)  Soil wetness, as determined in Part (a)(3)(A) of Rule .0837 12 inches;

  7. (7)  Setbacks in Subparagraphs (1) and (4) of this Paragraph may be in accordance with local zoning

    ordinances if located in areas zoned for industrial use.

  8. (8)  Setbacks in Subparagraphs (1) through (4) shall be increased 100% for lagoons; and

  9. (9)  Accurate property line location is the responsibility of the site operator.

(n) All setbacks shall be maintained.
(o) The setbacks in Subparagraph (m)(1) through (4) of this Rule shall be increased for storage facilities with a capacity in excess of 25,000 gallons permitted after the effective date of this Rule to prevent offsite contamination from major spills,or100%containmentshallbeprovided. Increasedsetbacksshallbeuptotwicetheminimumdistanceasindicated in Subparagraph (m)(1) through (4) of this Rule. Permitted volume and the proximity to residences, wells or water supply springs, surface waters, and property lines will determine the setback.
(p) Storage containers for individual restaurants shall be:

(1) Located above grade and protected from vehicular traffic;
(2) Maintained fly tight and in a sanitary condition;
(3) Placed at a location and acceptable to standards determined by the NC Division of Environmental

Health; and
(4) No greater than 200 gallons in size.


(q) Setbacks for detention tanks at marinas may be reduced for storage capacity of 2000 gallons or less when the facility is designed to prevent leaks or spills or has containment equaling 100% of the storage volume plus rainfall from a 25-year storm event. Setbacks shall in no case be less than what is approved by applicable local government, state or federal laws or rules.

(r) Septage shall not be stored in a detention or treatment facility for more than six months.
(s) Septage shall not be stored or treated at a new septage treatment or detention facility until a representative of the Division has inspected the facility to determine compliance with these Rules and consistency with the permit application and all permit conditions.
(t) Septage detention and treatment facility closure shall include:

  1. (1)  A completed ceased operation form submitted to the Division;

  2. (2)  All liquids and solids, resulting from septage detention or treatment, removed from all portions of the

    facility and properly managed or disposed at an appropriate, approved facility; and

  3. (3)  All parts of the facility removed from property under separate ownership, unless all landowners

    provide the Division with written documentation that the facility may remain at the site.

(u) Record keeping for detention facilities that receive septage from more than one septage management firm shall include:

  1. (1)  The date that the septage is received at and removed from the facility;

  2. (2)  Name of the septage management firm that delivered the septage;

  3. (3)  Type and amount, in gallons, of septage received; and

  4. (4)  Where septage is discharged.

(v) Record keeping for treatment facilities shall include:

  1. (1)  Date septage is received at the facility;

  2. (2)  Name of the septage management firm that delivered the septage;

  3. (3)  Type and amount, in gallons, of septage received;

  4. (4)  Date processed material(s) is removed from the facility;

  5. (5)  Type and amount, in tons or gallons, of material removed from the facility; and

  6. (6)  Management methods for each type of material removed by the facility

(w) Alarms shall be required to detect high liquid levels, leaks and spills, or system operation parameters at detention or treatment facilities when the location, design, capacity, or operational complexities of the facility warrant the additional safety precautions.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. April 1, 2010. 



(a) Monitoring or sample analysis required by this Section, and all costs involved, are the responsibility of the septage management firm, site operator, or the owner of the wastewater system, as appropriate. This includes all costs of analysis of sampling, handling, and testing.
(b) The permit holder of a septage land application site shall arrange for annual representative soil samples to be taken from each field at the permitted site during the last quarter of each calendar year.

(c) Soil samples shall be taken annually from each area designated as a separate field of a septage land application site and analyzed for cation exchange capacity, pH, phosphorus, potassium, calcium manganese, magnesium, zinc, and copper. Analysis for other metals shall be required when zinc levels reach 30 pounds per acre or copper levels reach 35 pounds per acre. Sites permitted to receive septage, other than domestic septage, shall be sampled annually to determine compliance with 40 CFR 257.3-6.

(d) Domestic septage and grease septage shall be monitored in accordance with 40 CFR Part 503.16(b).
(e) Domestic treatment plant septage proposed to be land applied at a permitted septage land application site shall be sampled before the initial application, and annually thereafter, prior to being removed from a treatment facility for the following:

(1) Metals addressed in 40 CFR 503.13; and 15

(2) Total solids, pH, ammonia, nitrates, total kjedldahl nitrogen (TKN), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium.

(f) Industrial or commercial septage, or commercial treatment plant septage, proposed to be land applied at a permitted septage land application site, shall be sampled prior to being removed from a wastewater system. Analytical results shall be submitted to the Division for consideration prior to the issuance of a permit or approval to land apply the septage. Analysis shall be conducted for:

  1. (1)  Metals addressed in 40 CFR 503.13;

  2. (2)  Total solids, pH, ammonia, nitrates, TKN, BOD, COD, total phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium; and

  3. (3)  Organic chemicals, using a complete Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure or other appropriate sampling, such as EPA Test numbers 8240 or 8270, unless an examination of the industrial process and the material used indicates less extensive analysis is acceptable.

Sample analysis shall be performed by a laboratory certified for waste analysis. Analysis shall be conducted in accordance with 40 CFR Part 503.8. Organic chemical analysis shall be conducted according to Subparagraph (f)(3) of this Rule. Results from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services laboratory will be accepted where appropriate.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. October 1, 2009. 



(a) Each permit holder shall maintain a log which includes at least the following information for each septage pumping event:

  1. (1)  The date, type, quantity, and location of septage pumped;

  2. (2)  Location of the discharge of the septage.

(b) A septage management firm shall make all records required in accordance with this Section or conditions of the permit available for inspection by a representative of the Division at the time and place of an inspection of the firm's septage pumper truck(s) or upon request.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. October 1, 2009. 



(a) General (1)

requirements for septage land application sites.
Only domestic septage, as defined in G.S. 130A-290, shall be land applied or otherwise placed on a septage land application site, unless specified in the permit;
Each site shall be posted with "NO TRESPASSING" signs. Access roads or paths crossing or leading to the disposal area shall be posted "NO TRESPASSING" and a legible sign of at least two feet by two feet stating "SEPTAGE LAND APPLICATION SITE" shall be maintained at each entrance to the land application area;
Each site shall have an all weather access road;
No hazardous wastes shall be permitted on the site;
No site shall be permitted for land application of industrial or commercial septage unless the applicant demonstrates to the Division that the strength of the organic and inorganic components of the septage is within the normal range for domestic septage;
Treatment Plant Septage generated by the operation of a wastewater system permitted under Article 11 of Chapter 130A may be land applied at a septage land application site permitted under this Section; Septage shall be applied to the surface of the land from a moving vehicle in such a manner as to have no standing liquid or soil disturbance resulting from the waste flow after the discharge is complete; Septage shall not be applied to a site if any liquid is ponded on the site or if the site is flooded, frozen, or snow covered;
Septage shall not be applied to a site if the application method will result in ruts greater than three inches in the soil surface;
Disposal area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the ground while a site or any portion of a site is in use;
All septage discharges shall be made at a location on the site consistent with the nutrient management plan;
All septage discharges, including aerial drift from discharges, shall be made within the permitted boundaries of the land application site;
Land application of septage shall be limited to a maximum daily hydraulic application rate of one acre inch;
Grease septage from a grease trap, interceptor, separator, or other appurtenance used for the purpose of removing cooking oils, fats, grease, and food debris from the waste flow generated from food handling, preparation, and cleanup shall not be land applied unless the trap has been pumped within 
the last 90 days or the grease septage adequately screened or dewatered to prevent damage to land application site vegetation;

  1. (15)  Grease septage shall be diluted at least 1:1 from its concentration when pumped with domestic septage or water if land applied over perennial vegetation. This dilution shall be increased if crop damage occurs. This dilution requirement shall not apply to the liquid portion of grease septage that has been adequately treated to remove solids, fats, oils and grease as long as crop damage does not occur;

  2. (16)  Solids resulting from septage treatment shall not be land applied unless the solids are treated to meet pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR 503, and the permittee has satisfactorily demonstrated to the Division that the solids can be evenly land applied at agronomic rates with standard agricultural spreading equipment;

  3. (17)  The site shall be managed in such a manner as to minimize soil erosion and surface water runoff. Appropriate soil and water management practices shall be implemented and maintained in accordance with the Division-approved erosion and run-off control plan. All water control structures shall be designed, installed, and maintained to control the run-off resulting from a 10-year storm;

  4. (18)  Approved nutrient management plans shall be followed;

  5. (19)  Land application sites or portions of land application sites that do not follow the approved nutrient management plan shall not be used for land application until brought into compliance with the nutrient management plan;

  6. (20)  alternate plan for the storage or disposal of septage during periods when the permitted land application site is not available;

  7. (21)  Land application sites permitted for the management of grease septage, or commercial or industrial septage, shall have a septage detention facility available, of adequate size to meet the requirement of Subparagraph (a)(15) of this Rule; and

  8. (22)  A septage land application site permit holder or operator is responsible for the actions of any septage management firm that the permit holder or operator allows to use his land application site.

(b) Maximum land application rates for septage shall be determined based upon the following:

  1. (1)  Domestic septage land application rates shall be in accordance with 40 CFR Part 503.12(c);

  2. (2)  Land application of domestic treatment plant septage shall not exceed the rate in 40 CFR 503.14(d);

  3. (3)  Pollutant limits for regulated metals in 40 CFR part 503.13 shall not be exceeded for any type septage;

  4. (4)  Grease septage shall be land applied at a rate that is equal to or less than the agronomic rate, but in no case shall the application of untreated grease septage exceed 25,000 gallons per acre per year;

  5. (5)  Sites permitted for the land application of grease septage shall meet the requirements of 40 CFR Part 257.3-5;

  6. (6)  Land application rates for septage treated to reduce solids, nutrients, or pollutants shall be determined based on the analysis of the treated material;

  7. (7)  At least four analyses of treated liquid shall be required prior to receiving an adjusted land application rate. Additional samples shall be required for highly variable material;

  8. (8)  Each analysis shall include nitrogen panel, phosphorus, potassium, soluble salts, pH, regulated metals except mercury, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, sulfur, boron and chlorine;

  9. (9)  After an adjusted rate is approved, sampling shall be required every 60 days for the first 12 months of operation;

  10. (10)  After the initial 12 months, wastes with consistent sample results shall be sampled quarterly; and

  11. (11)  Land application rates for industrial or commercial septage, or commercial or industrial treatment plant septage shall be determined as specified in Subparagraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this Rule unless testing determines that a lower rate is necessary due to other non-domestic pollutants.

(c) Septage treatment standards:

(1) Domestic septage shall be treated in accordance with the requirements in 40 CFR Part 503 Subpart D (including Appendix A and B) except that 503.33(b)(11) is not incorporated;

(2) Grease septage, treated grease septage, commercial or industrial treatment plant septage, and commercial/industrial septage shall be treated in accordance with 40 CFR 257.3-6 or treated by an equivalent or more stringent process in 40 CFR 503 Subpart D;

(3) Grease septage, or any part of grease septage, mixed with domestic septage shall be treated as grease septage; and

(4) Domestic treatment plant septage shall be treated to meet the pathogen reduction and the vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR 503, Subpart D.

(d) No one other than the permit holder shall land apply septage at a permitted site unless approved in writing by the Division. The permit holder shall submit a written request and written authorization from the landowner(s), if different from the permit holder. The request shall include the name of the firm requesting approval and the type and amount of septage proposed to be discharged.

(e) Permit holders of septage land application sites shall develop and maintain records and reports to demonstrate compliance with this Section and the permit requirements of each site.

(1) Permit holders of sites receiving septage shall maintain a log which meets the requirements of 40 CFR Part 503.17(b);

(2) Permit holders of all septage land application sites shall have all records and certifications required to be kept available for review during any announced site inspections by the Division; and

(3) The permit holder of a site where more than one septage management firm has been authorized by the Division to discharge septage shall submit a monthly report to the Division which shall include the following information for each discharge: the date and quantity of each discharge, the type of septage discharged, and the name of the septage management firm discharging.

(4) All test results for nutrients, metals, contaminants, and pathogens required in this Section shall be maintained by the site operator or the preparer.

(f) Septage shall not be land applied at a new septage land application site until a representative of the Division has inspected the site to determine compliance with these rules and consistency with the permit application and all permit conditions.
(g) Methods of land application for which there are no standards in these rules shall be permitted only if it can be demonstrated that the proposed method manages septage in a manner at least equivalent to these Rules and to protect public health and the environment. Plans shall be submitted and prepared in accordance with professional engineering principles.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. October 1, 2009. 



(a) Soil characteristics (Morphology) which shall be evaluated are as follows:
(1) Texture
The relative proportions of the sand, silt, and clay sized mineral particles in the fine-earth

fraction of the soil are referred to as soil texture. The texture of the different horizons of soils shall be classified into three general groups and 12 soil textural classes based upon the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay sized mineral particles.

  1. (A)  Soil Group I Sandy Texture Soils: The sandy group includes the sand and loamy sand textural classes.

  2. (B)  Soil Group II Coarse Loamy and Fine Loamy Texture Soils: The coarse loamy and fine

    loamy group includes sandy loam, loam, silt, silt loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, and silty clay loam textural classes.

  3. (C)  Soil Group III Clayey Texture Soils: The clayey group includes sandy clay, silty clay, and clay textural classes.

(2) The soil textural class shall be determined in the field by hand texturing samples of each soil horizon in the soil profile using the following criteria:

  1. (A)  Sand: Sand has a gritty feel, does not stain the fingers, and does not form a ribbon or ball when wet or moist;

  2. (B)  Loamy Sand: Loamy sand has a gritty feel, stains the fingers, forms a weak ball, and cannot

    be handled without breaking;

  3. (C)  Sandy Loam: Sandy loam has a gritty feel and forms a ball that can be picked up with the fingers and handled with care without breaking;

  4. (D)  Loam: Loam may have a slightly gritty feel but does not show a fingerprint and forms only short ribbons of from 0.25 inch to 0.50 inch in length. Loam will form a ball that can be handled without breaking;

  5. (E)  Silt Loam: Silt loam has a floury feel when moist and will show a fingerprint but will not ribbon and forms only a weak ball;

  6. (F)  Silt: Silt has a floury feel when moist and sticky when wet but will not ribbon and forms a ball that will tolerate some handling;

  7. (G)  Sandy Clay Loam: Sandy clay loam has a gritty feel but contains enough clay to form a firm ball and may ribbon to form 0.75 inch to one-inch long pieces;

  8. (H)  Silty Clay Loam: Silty clay loam is sticky when moist and will ribbon from one to two inches. Rubbing silty clay loam with the thumbnail produces a moderate sheen. Silty clay loam produces a distinct fingerprint;

  9. (I)  Clay Loam: Clay loam is sticky when moist. Clay loam forms a thin ribbon of one to two inches in length and produces a slight sheen when rubbed with the thumbnail. Clay loam produces a nondistinct fingerprint;

  10. (J)  Sandy Clay: Sandy clay is plastic, gritty and sticky when moist and forms a firm ball and produces a thin ribbon to over two inches in length;

  11. (K)  Silty Clay: Silty clay is both plastic and sticky when moist and lacks gritty feeling. Silty clay forms a ball and readily ribbons to over two inches in length;

  12. (L)  Clay: Clay is both sticky and plastic when moist, produces a thin ribbon over two inches in length, produces a high sheen when rubbed with the thumbnail, and forms a strong ball resistant to breaking;

  13. (M)  The Division may substitute laboratory determination of the soil textural class as defined in this Section by particle-size analysis of the fine-earth fraction (less than 2.0 mm in size) using the sand, silt and clay particle sizes as defined in this Section for field testing when conducted in accordance with ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) D-422 procedures for sieve and hydrometer analysis. For fine loam and clayey soils (Group II and III) the dispersion time shall be increased to 12 hours.

  1. (3)  Wetness

    1. (A)  Soil wetness conditions caused by a seasonal high-water table, perched water table, tidal water, or seasonally saturated soils shall be determined by observation of common soil mottles of colors of chroma 2 or less, using the Munsell color chart, in mottle or a solid mass. If drainage modifications have been made, the soil wetness conditions may be determined by direct observation of the water surface in monitoring wells during periods of typically high water elevations. However, colors of chroma 2 or less which are relic from minerals of the parent material shall not be considered indicative of a soil wetness condition.

    2. (B)  Soils which do not meet the required depths to a soil wetness condition shall be considered unsuitable and septage shall not be applied, unless the required separation distances can be maintained. Water table monitoring wells may be utilized to determine the actual depth to a soil wetness condition. The Division may limit discharges to certain months where soil wetness conditions are marginal for use.

    3. (C)  The required depth to a soil wetness condition is determined by the Soil Group Textural Classification.

  2. (4)  Soil Group I soil shall be considered suitable where soil wetness conditions are deeper than 36 inches below the point of septage application or incorporation.

  3. (5)  Soil Group II soils shall be considered suitable where soil wetness conditions are deeper than 24 inches below the point of septage application or incorporation.



  1. (6)  Soil Group III soils shall be considered suitable where soil wetness conditions are deeper than 18 inches below the point of septage application or incorporation.

  2. (7)  Depth to rock: soil depth shall be considered suitable where depth to rock is deeper than 24 inches below the point of septage application or incorporation or deeper than 18 inches if the septage is pretreated to accomplish pathogen reduction and surface applied over vegetation.

  3. (8)  Mine reclamation sites will be considered on a case by case basis.

(b) Septage land application sites shall not be located in the watershed of a Class WS-I stream. New septage land application sites shall not be located in the water quality critical area of Class WS-II, WS-III, or WS-IV streams or reservoirs. This prohibition does not apply to those portions of a water supply watershed which are drained by Class B or Class C streams.
(c) Setbacks. At the time of initial permitting, septage land application sites shall observe the minimum setback distances specified in this Rule. Minimum setbacks shall be maintained throughout the life of the site only on land owned, operated or controlled by the permittee or by the landowner(s) at the time of initial permitting. Any sale, lease or other conveyance of land by the permittee, or by the landowner(s) if different from the permittee, subsequent to the initial permitting of the site shall include restrictions to ensure continued maintenance of the setbacks. Failure to maintain required setbacks shall result in immediate permit revocation.
(d) All septage disposal sites shall be located at least the minimum distance specified for the following:

  1. (1)  Residence not occupied by the applicant 500 feet, residence occupied by the applicant 100 feet;

  2. (2)  Place of business, other than the septage management firm office, or place of public assembly 500 feet;

  3. (3)  Well or spring 500 feet;

  4. (4)  Surface waters. Stream classification shall be determined in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0301 through .0317 Assignment of Stream Classifications;

  5. (5)  Fresh waters:

    1. (A)  Class WS-I, Class WS-II, or Class WS-III streams 300 feet;

    2. (B)  Class B stream 300 feet;

    3. (C)  Class C stream 200 feet; and

    4. (D)  Other streams and bodies of water 200 feet;

  6. (6)  Tidal salt waters:

    1. (A)  Class SA or Class SB 300 feet from mean high water mark; and

    2. (B)  Class SC and other coastal waters 200 feet from mean high water mark.

  7. (7)  Supplemental classifications:

    1. (A)  Trout waters and swim waters 200 feet; and

    2. (B)  Nutrient sensitive waters and outstanding resource waters 300 feet.

  8. (8)  Groundwater lowering ditches and devices 100 feet;

  9. (9)  Adjoining property under separate ownership or control 50 feet;

  10. (10)  Public road right of ways 100 feet;

  11. (11)  Food crops 50 feet;

  12. (12)  Wetlands 50 feet;

  13. (13)  Woods line five feet, unless greater distance is required as part of an erosion and runoff control plan;

  14. (14)  Land application site on the same tract of land, permitted to a different operator 100 feet; and

  15. (15)  Setbacks in Subparagraphs (d)(3), (4), (5), (6), (7), and (8) of this Rule may be reduced 50 percent when septage is pretreated to accomplish pathogen reduction and when the land within the setback area is in permanent, established grass with at least 95 percent cover or when the setback area is in forest with a continuous canopy and a 95 percent forest litter cover. Accurate property line locations are the responsibility of the site operator.

(e) Septage land application sites less than five acres in size, individual fields of a site less than two acres in size, and sites with complex soil patterns or unusual shapes shall be permitted only if the applicant demonstrates to the Division that the site can be properly managed for crop production and that septage can be evenly distributed over the site.
(f) Septage land application sites shall not be located where the slope of the land is greater than 12 percent unless all of the conditions of this Paragraph are met:

  1. (1)  The site is in permanent, established grass with at least 95 percent cover or is in forest with a continuous canopy and a 95 percent forest litter cover;

  2. (2)  Plans submitted to the Division are prepared in accordance with accepted erosion and runoff control practices and indicate the following:

  3. (A)  Management practices and discharge methods which will be used to reduce the potential for run-off from the site and assure even septage distribution over the site; and

  4. (B)  Location of potential surface water monitoring devices upslope and downslope from the area proposed to be permitted and identification of sampling methods. Monitoring may be required.

  5. (3)  Setbacks will be increased and application rates decreased as appropriate to protect any nearby surface waters which are to be approved by the Division; and

  6. (4)  No site shall include slopes in excess of 25 percent.

(g) A new septage land application site shall not jeopardize the continued existence of threatened or endangered species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of a critical habitat, protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973. Agricultural land shall not be considered potential habitat.
(h) Septage, or any part of septage, as defined in G.S. 130A-290, treated to meet the standard for Class A sewage sludge in accordance with the federal regulations for pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction in 40 CFR Part 503, Subpart D, may be permitted by the Division for application to a public contact site, home lawns and gardens, or to be sold or given away in a bag or other container, provided it can be demonstrated that pollutant limits in 40 CFR 503.13(b)(1) Table 3 are not exceeded. Persons who prepare the septage, and persons who derive material from the septage, shall comply with the applicable record keeping requirements in 40 CFR 503.17(a) (1), (2) or (6). Treatment verification,acceptabletotheDivision,shallbeavailable. Alltreatmentmethodsandfacilitiesshallobtainapermitfrom the Division in accordance with Rule .0836.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. October 1, 2009. 



(a) No person, shall establish on his land, or allow to be established on his land, a septage detention facility, unless a permit for the facility has been obtained from the Division or the facility is operating in accordance with a NPDES permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality.
(b) Septage detention and treatment facilities shall be designed, located, constructed, and operated in accordance with the standards specified in Rule .0841 of this Section.

(c) To apply for a to the Division: permit for a septage detention or treatment facility the applicant shall submit the following information

Name, address, and phone number of

  1. (A)  the applicant;

  2. (B)  land owner or the owner's legal representative in control of the site; and

  3. (C)  the proposed operator;

Location of the facility;
Vicinity map or county road map showing the site location;
Types of septage to be stored or treated;
A description of the facility including the size, number, and type of structures to be used at the site and construction materials to be used;
An explanation of the methods for discharge into and removal from the detention or treatment facility, the methods for treating leaks or spills at the site, and methods for odor control;
Septage land application site permit number and the name of any wastewater treatment plant(s) where the septage will be disposed;
Written documentation of acceptable locations to manage any solid or liquid wastes generated at a treatment facility;
An aerial photograph, extending for a distance of at least 1,000 feet in all directions from the site property lines, scale 1" = 400 feet or less;
Written authorization to operate a septage detention or treatment facility signed by each landowner (if other than the permit holder) or his legal representative; and
Technical information pertinent to the suitability of the proposed facility.

(d) To apply for a permit to construct a septage treatment facility and obtain an interim permit to operate the facility, for a period not to exceed 12 months, plans and specifications shall be submitted. If required by G.S. 89C, a professional engineer shall prepare these documents. [Note: The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors has determined, via letter and resolution dated March 11, 2010, that preparation of engineering design documents pursuant to this Paragraph constitutes practicing engineering under G.S. 89C.]
(e) Treatment shall include, but not be limited to, aerobic or anaerobic digestion, dewatering or thickening, pressing, centrifuging, the use of organisms or enzymes, and pathogen reduction methods or vector attraction reduction methods other than lime stabilization. In addition to the requirements of Paragraph (c) of this Rule, the plans shall include:

  1. (1)  Site plan at a scale appropriate to show the detail of the facility, but in no case greater than 100 feet per inch;

  2. (2)  Engineering plans for the entire system, including treatment, storage, and disposal equipment, and containment structures;

  3. (3)  Detail drawings shall be at a scale appropriate to show pumps, tanks, valves, controls, meters, pipes, and other items critical to the operation of the facility;

  4. (4)  An operation and maintenance manual outlining information and instruction on how the facility is to be operated, equipment maintenance, required safety and personnel training, and an outline of reports to be submitted to the Division. Contingency plans shall be included to address at least equipment failure, human error, inclement weather, and spill and leak cleanup; and

  5. (5)  A quality assurance plan for the process and final product if treatment involves meeting pathogen reduction or vector attraction reduction standards.

(f) A permit to operate a septage treatment facility shall be issued pending receipt of the following:

  1. (1)  Certification that the construction of the treatment facility is complete and consistent with the plans

    approved as part of the permit to construct;

  2. (2)  An updated operation and maintenance manual, including all the information required in Subparagraph

    (e)(4) of this Rule;

  3. (3)  As built drawings if facility construction is not consistent with the approved plans;

  4. (4)  Operation and maintenance manuals and quality assurance plans signed by the applicant; and

  5. (5)  Acceptable compliance history for the facility.

(g) A permit for a new septage detention or a septage treatment facility shall not be issued until the proposed site has been approved by the Division.
(h) Operation of a new septage detention or a new septage treatment facility shall not commence until the facility has been inspected by the Division and found to be consistent with the permit application.


(i) A permit to operate a treatment facility shall not be issued until the facility has been inspected by the Division and found to be consistent with the permit application and operation has been found to be consistent with the operation and maintenance manual.
(j) Application packages for permit renewals shall include:

  1. (1)  Updated drawings if there are changes to the facility,

  2. (2)  Updated site plans (if required as part of original submittal) if there are changes to the site plan,

  3. (3)  A revised operation and maintenance manual,

  4. (4)  A revised quality assurance plan for the process and final product if treatment involves meeting

    pathogen reduction or vector attraction reduction standards.

(k) Engineering plans and specifications for marina detention tanks that do not meet the minimum setbacks in .0841(m) or are located below grade shall be submitted. If required by G.S. 89C, a professional engineer shall prepare these documents. [Note: The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors has determined, via letter and resolution dated March 11, 2010, that preparation of engineering design documents pursuant to this Paragraph constitutes practicing engineering under G.S. 89C.] The facilities shall be certified to be constructed in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications.
(l) Parts of detention and treatment facilities located below grade and lagoons shall be certified to be constructed in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications.
(m) Applications shall be submitted to the Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1646. Applications for permits will not be reviewed until all parts of the application have been completed and submitted to the Division.
(n) Applications for renewal permits shall be made at least 90 days prior to the expiration of the permit. The Division will notify permit holders of facility permit expiration dates 120 days prior to permit expiration.
(o) Applications for renewal permits submitted in accordance with Paragraph (j) of this Rule and applications for permit modifications shall not be required to resubmit the information required in Subparagraphs (c)(3) and (9), and Paragraph (d) unless changes are made in those plans.
(p) Septage detention and treatment facility permits are not transferable.
(q) Maximum permit duration including renewals is five years.
(r) Applications for permit modifications shall be required for changes in:

  1. (1)  Property ownership;

  2. (2)  Treatment methods;

  3. (3)  Types of septage to be stored or treated; or

  4. (4)  Size and number of treatment or storage structures.

(s) Applications for facilities which do not meet the standards set forth in this Section shall be denied.
(t) An application requesting reduced setbacks in accordance with Rule .0841(m)(7) shall include a letter from the appropriate local zoning office, approving proposed reduced setbacks.
(u) Issuance of a permit does not relieve the permit holder of the responsibility of obtaining applicable zoning approvals prior to operation of the facility.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. April 1, 2010. 



(a) No person shall establish, or allow to be established on his land, a septage management facility to, treat, manage, store, or dispose of septage, or any component of septage, unless a permit has been obtained from the Division. Disposal of septage by trenching or burial is prohibited under the rules of this Section.
(b) Any person that has not operated as a septage land application site during the previous calendar year shall receive at least three hours of new land application site operator training from the Division prior to receiving a permit to operate a septage land application site.

(c) To apply for a permit for a septage land application site, the following information shall be submitted to the Division: Location of the site;
Name, address, and phone number of:

(A)  the applicant;

(B)  the land owner or the owner's legal representative in control of the site; and

(C)  the proposed operator;

Written authorization to operate a septage land application site signed by each landowner (if other than the permit holder) or his legal representative;
Types of septage (as defined in G.S. 130A-290) and the proposed annual volume of each type of septage proposed for land application per acre, based on the nutrient management plan submitted. Substances other than septage previously disposed of at this location, and the amounts of those substances;
Aerial photography extending for a distance of at least 2500 feet in all directions from the site, with site property boundaries accurately depicted. Photograph scale shall be 1" = 400 feet or less; Alternative plan for the detention or disposal of septage, during adverse weather conditions; Treatment method for each type of septage to be discharged and the permit number of any treatment facilities;
Vicinity map (county road map) showing the site location;
A written report that documents compliance with Rule .0837 of this Section, including, but not limited to the following: If required by G.S. 89F, G.S. 89C and G.S. 89E, a licensed soil scientist, professional engineer, or licensed geologist shall prepare these documents. [Note: The North Carolina Board of Licensing of Soil Scientists, Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors and the Board of Licensing of Geologists has determined, via letters dated November 16, 2009, March 11, 2010 and January 7, 2010, that preparation of documents pursuant to this Paragraph constitutes soil science, practicing engineering, or geology under G.S. 89F, G.S. 89C and G.S. 89E.]

(A)  A representative soils analysis (i.e., Standard Soil Fertility Analysis), conducted within the

last six months, on each proposed field of each proposed land application site. The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include, but is not necessarily limited to: acidity, base saturation (by calculation), calcium, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable sodium percentage (by calculation), magnesium, manganese, percent humic matter, pH, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium;

(B)  A total metal analysis for each proposed field shall be conducted for arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, selenium, and zinc. A North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCSA&CS) mehlich-3 extraction is an acceptable substitute for a total metal analysis. Mercury shall be sampled if the applicant proposes to land apply domestic or industrial or commercial treatment plant septage, or if warranted by previous site use;

(C)  Field description of soil profile(s), based on examinations of excavation pits and auger borings, within four feet of the land surface or to bedrock describing the following parameters by individual diagnostic horizons: thickness of the horizon; texture; color and other diagnostic features; structure; internal drainage; depth, thickness, and type of restrictive horizon(s); and presence or absence and depth of evidence of any seasonal high water table. Applicants may be required to dig pits when necessary for proper evaluation of the soils at the site;

(D)  A soil map, scale 1" = 400 feet or less, delineating major soil mapping units within each proposed land application site and showing all physical features, location of pits and auger borings, applicable setbacks, legends, scale, and a north arrow;

(E)  If the annual application rate is proposed to exceed 125,000 gallons per acre per year field descriptions to a depth of six feet, shall be required; and


(F) Global Positioning System (GPS) data compatible with the Department's datalogger shall be provided for proposed sites 30 acres or more in size.

(11)  Applicants proposing to land apply 200,000 gallons per acre per year or more shall provide a plan for monitoring soil moisture levels and the depth to seasonal wetness to determine when land application can occur without impacting ground water or hydraulic overloading. The plan shall include recommendations concerning annual and instantaneous loading rates of liquids, solids, other wastewater constituents and amendments based on in-situ measurement of saturated hydraulic conductivity in the most restrictive horizon. If required by G.S. 89C, G.S. 89F and G.S. 89E, a professional engineer, licensed soil scientist or licensed geologist shall prepare these documents. [Note: The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors, Board of Licensing of Soil Scientists and the Board of Licensing of Geologists has determined, via letters dated March 11, 2010, November 16, 2009 and January 7, 2010, that preparation of documents pursuant to this Paragraph constitutes practicing engineering, soil science or geology, under G.S. 89C, G.S. 89F and G.S. 89E.]

(12)  Nutrient management plan, prepared by a Technical Specialist, including at least the following: (A) Crops that will be planted on the site, including cover crops, and where each crop will be planted. Crop planting locations shall be depicted on an aerial photograph or on a plat map

(scale 1" = 400 feet or less);
(B) Nitrogen needs of the crops based on the realistic yield expectations for the soils on the site,

and crop management practices proposed;
(C) Crop stand density required to meet the realistic yield expectations for the proposed crop; (D) Approximate crop planting times and the seeding or sprigging rates for crops to beestablished;
(E) Crop harvest frequency appropriate for the proposed realistic yield expectations and nitrogen needs, and approximate crop harvest times;
(F) Approximate monthly discharge rate to match the nitrogen needs and potential uptake of thecrop;
(G) Sites proposed to receive more than 50,000 gallons per acre per year of domestic septage, ordomestic or industrial or commercial treatment plant septage shall include nitrogen carry overwhen determining annual application rates;
(H) Weed control recommendations;
(I) Crop use or removal;
(J) Results from at least four samples of treated septage if the application is proposing anincreased application rate for the land application of septage treated to reduce nutrients; (K) A Technical Specialist is not required for nutrient management plans for subsequentapplications that do not contain changes that would affect nutrient uptake; and (L) All nutrient management plans shall bear the signature of the site operator.

(13)  Application rates for sites proposed to receive treated septage shall be determined based on the most limiting nutrient;

(14)  Erosion and runoff management plan showing:

(A)  Buffer locations and widths based on the direction and amount of slope adjacent to the landapplication site;

(B)  Vegetation type and stand density in the buffer areas; and

(C)  Buffer maintenance fertility requirements.

(15)  Proposed land application method,

(16)  Proposed distribution plan if required in Paragraph (e) of Rule .0837 of this Section;

(17)  Sites proposing to use spray irrigation as a land application method shall include:

(A)  The location of all fixed irrigation heads or the location of traveling gun irrigation lanes;

(B)  Irrigation head spacing and traveling gun lane spacing shall be determined based on standards in NC Cooperative Extension Documents AG-553-6 and AG-553-7 or other similarpublications;

(C)  The size of all spray nozzles;

(D)  System operating pressure at the irrigation head;

(E)  Calculation of the wettable acres vs. permitted acreage;

(F)  Calibration methods and frequency; and

(G) Irrigation system operation and maintenance plan.

(18)  Demonstration from the appropriate State or Federal Government agency that the land application site complies with Paragraph (g) of Rule .0837 of this if any part of the site specified for land application is not agricultural land;

(19)  The date, location, number of hours, and provider of annual septage land application site operator training required in accordance with G.S. 130A-291.3(b);

(20)  Technical information pertinent to the suitability of the proposed site;

(21)  An applicant who proposes to land apply septage, as defined in G.S. 130A-290, on a public contact site, shall provide the Division evidence of adequate public notice and the applicant shall have successfully completed the Land Application of Residuals and Biosolids Course and maintain a Land Application of Residuals Certificate given by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources; and

(22)  An applicant who proposes to land apply commercial/industrial treatment plant septage or domestic treatment plant septage, as defined in G.S. 130A-290, shall have successfully completed the Land Application of Residuals and Biosolids Course and maintain a Land Application of Residuals Certificate given by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources; and

(23)  An applicant who proposes to land apply septage, as defined in G.S. 130A-290, in excess of 50,000 gallons per acre per year shall provide the Division with evidence of adequate public notice which shall at a minimum be publication in a local newspaper, shall have successfully completed the Land Application of Residuals and Biosolids Course and maintain a Land Application of Residuals Certificate issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

(d) Application rates for septage in excess of 50,000 gallons per acre per year and permits to land apply domestic, or industrial or commercial treatment plant septage shall not be granted to persons who have not demonstrated that they can properly operate a septage land application site for at least a 12 month period.
(e) Applications shall be submitted to the Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1646. Applications for permits will not be reviewed until all parts of the application have been completed and submitted to the Division.

(f) Applications for sites or treatment methods which do not meet the standards in accordance with this Section shall be denied.
(g) Applications for renewal permits shall be submitted to the Division at least 90 days prior to the expiration date of the permit. The Division shall notify permit holders of facility permit expiration dates 120 days prior to permit expiration. (h) Applications for permit modification shall be required for the following changes:

(1)  Permitted area or field boundaries;

(2)  Property ownership;

(3)  Annual application rates;

(4)  Receiver crop; or

(5)  Types of septage discharged.

(i) Applications for renewal permits submitted in accordance with Paragraph (g) of this Rule and applications for permit modifications shall not be required to resubmit the information required in Subparagraphs (c)(6), (8), (9), (10), (16), (17), and (18) unless changes are made in those plans.
(j) Septage land application site permits are not transferable.
(k) Maximum permit duration including renewals is five years.
(l) Issuance of a permit does not relieve the permit holder of the responsibility of obtaining applicable zoning approvals prior to operation of the site.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. April 1, 2010. 



(a) Every septage management firm shall pay an annual permit fee by January 1 of each year in accordance with G.S. 130A-291.1(e) or (e1), unless the firm notifies the Division prior to January 1 that the firm will not operate during the next year. Fees shall be paid to the Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646. This fee may be paid by check or money order made payable to the Division of Waste Management.

(b) Annual fees are not pro-rated and shall not be refunded or credited to a subsequent year.
(c) Failure to apply for permit renewal or failure to pay the permit fee by January 1 shall result in assessment of a late fee in accordance with G.S. 130A-291.1(e2). Failure to pay the appropriate fees within 45 days after January 1 shall result in an additional administrative penalty pursuant to G.S. 130A-22(a) of ten dollars ($10.00) per day for each day thereafter that the fees are not paid.
(d) Annual permit renewal, including fee payment, shall be the responsibility of the operator of the septage management firm. If the operator did not receive annual permit renewal forms, it shall not be a defense to assessment of late fees. (e) A food service facility that is permitted to operate a septage detention facility in accordance with Rules .0836 and .0833 of this Section and that has paid the fee specified in G.S. 130A-291.1(e1) shall be allowed to empty their own grease interceptors, separators, traps, or other appurtenances used for the purpose of removing cooking oils, fats, grease, and food debris from the waste flow generated from food handling, preparation, and cleanup, that have a volume of 25 gallons or less, into the permitted detention facility. The permitted facility shall be constructed and located in accordance with the requirements of Rule .0841 of this Section and emptied at least quarterly by a permitted septage management firm.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. October 1, 2009. 



(a) Septage management firm names must be distinguishable upon the records of the Division from the name of other septage management firms, limited liability companies, non-profit corporations, business corporations, limited partnerships, sole proprietors, general partners and limited liability partnerships operating in North Carolina. Naming preference shall be given to companies that are listed as incorporated with the NC Secretary of State's office.

(b) A person who has not operated a septage management firm during the previous calendar year shall obtain four hours of new operator training from the Division prior to receiving a permit to operate a septage management firm.
(c) To apply for a permit, a person proposing to operate a septage management firm shall submit the following information to the Division by January 1 of each year:

Owner's name, address and phone number;
Business name, address and phone number;
Operator name, address and phone number, if different from owner;
Permit number, if existing firm;
Type(s) of septage handled, and the quantity pumped the previous 12 months, if in operation; Number of pumper trucks;
Capacity and type of septage handled by each pumper truck;
Vehicle license and serial numbers of each pumper truck;
Counties in which the firm operates;
Disposal method(s) for septage;
Permit number for each septage land application site to be used;
Permit number for each septage detention and treatment facility to be used;
Technical information pertinent to the operation of a septage management firm;
Written authorization on official letterhead or a notarized wastewater treatment plant authorization form shall be submitted from an individual responsible for the operation of each wastewater treatment plant used for disposal indicating:

  1. (A)  Type(s) of septage which can be discharged at the plant;

  2. (B)  Where septage, including grease septage, can be discharged at the plant or in the collection


  3. (C)  Geographic area from which septage will be accepted; and

  4. (D)  Duration of authorization.

The appropriate annual permit fee in accordance with G.S. 130A-291.1(e); and

(16) The date, location, number of hours, and provider of annual septage management firm training required in accordance with G.S. 130A-291.3(a).

(d) Persons that operate a septage land application site or a septage treatment and detention facility, but do not pump septage, shall submit the following information to the Division by January 1 of each year to apply for a permit:

  1. (1)  Facility name, address, phone number, and county;

  2. (2)  Owner's name, address and phone number;

  3. (3)  Operator name, address and phone number, if different from owner;

  4. (4)  Permit number, if existing firm;

  5. (5)  Type(s) of septage managed;

  6. (6)  Facility types and their permit numbers;

  7. (7)  The name and permit number of all permitted septage management firms using the facility;

  8. (8)  The date, location, number of hours, and provider of annual training in accordance with G.S. 130A-

    291.3(b); and

  9. (9)  The appropriate annual permit fee in accordance with G.S. 130A-291.1(e1).

(e) A septage management firm permit shall not be issued unless the applicant has submitted to the Division written documentation of authorized access to dispose or otherwise manage septage, or any part of septage, at a wastewater treatment plant, a permitted septage land application site, a permitted septage treatment facility, or other appropriately permitted solid waste management facility. Documentation from each plant, site, or other facility shall include the types and amount of septage which may be discharged.

(f) Septage management firm permits shall not be issued until all parts of the application have been completed.
(g) A septage management firm permit shall not be issued to firms that pump septage until its pumper truck(s) have been inspected and approved.
(h) Permits are non-transferable.
(i) Septage management firm permits are issued for up to one calendar year. Permits issued on or after January 1 shall be effective until December 31 of that calendar year.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1;

Eff. November 1, 2009. 



(a) General permitting requirements.

(1) No person shall manage septage, or any part of septage, or operate a Septage Management Firm without first obtaining a permit from the Division as required under G.S. 130A-291.1(c);

(2)  The permit requirement of G.S. 130A-291.1(c) applies to persons who remove septage, and other waste materials or spent media from wastewater systems permitted by the Division of Environmental Health, under the authority of Article 11, Chapter 130A of the North Carolina General Statutes;

(3)  The permit requirement of G.S. 130A-291.1(c) applies to persons who manage septage generated from properties which they own, lease or manage as part of a business, including but not limited to mobile homes, mobile home parks, restaurants, and other residential and commercial property;

(4)  The Division may deny a permit application, in accordance with G.S. 130A-295.3(c);

(5)  The Division may require an applicant, to demonstrate substantial compliance in accordance with G.S. 130A-294(b2)(2);

(6)  All conditions for permits issued in accordance with this Section shall be followed;

(7)  Where specified in this Section permit applications or specific portions of applications shall be prepared by a qualified environmental professional in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .0202(a)(3);


(8)  Initial septage land application site and detention and treatment facility permits shall be issued for a maximum of one year. Renewal permits shall be issued for five years if the facility has not had a major violation and records have been maintained in accordance with this Section.

(b) Portable sanitation permitting provisions.

(1)  A mobile or modular office that meets the criteria of G.S. 130-291.2 shall be considered a chemical or portable toilet as defined in G.S. 130A-290(1c). Leaks or overflows of the storage tank at a mobile or modular office shall be considered illegal land application and shall be the responsibility of the office occupant and owner of the mobile or modular office.

(2)  No person shall rent or lease portable toilet(s) or manage or dispose of waste from portable toilet(s), regardless of ownership of the toilet(s) unless that person is permitted to operate a septage management firm.

(3)  Placement of a chemical or portable toilet as defined in G.S. 130A-290(1c) for potential use in North Carolina shall be considered operation of a septage management firm which requires a permit.

(c) Recreational vehicle waste provisions.

(1)  Domestic septage from a recreational vehicle shall be managed in accordance with this Section or shall flow directly into a wastewater treatment system permitted by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

(2)  Wastewater from recreational vehicles that are tied down, blocked up, or are not relocated on a regular basis, and are not connected to an approved wastewater system, shall be managed in accordance with Article 11, Chapter 130A of the NC General Statutes.

(3)  Recreational vehicle dump stations that do not discharge directly to a wastewater treatment system permitted by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources shall be permitted as a septage detention and treatment facility in accordance with this Section.

(d) Alternate septage management method limitations.

(1)  Grease septage, or any part of grease septage, shall not be introduced or reintroduced into a grease trap, interceptor, separator, or other appurtenance used for the purpose of removing cooking oils, fats, grease, and food debris from the waste flow generated from food handling, preparation, and cleanup unless the Division has received written approval from the wastewater treatment plant operator or the onsite wastewater system permitting authority that reintroduction is acceptable.

(2)  Septage, or any part of septage, shall not be reintroduced into an onsite wastewater system unless approved pursuant to G.S. 130A-343(c).

(3)  Septage, or any part of septage, shall not be placed in containers at restaurants designated for yellow grease.

(4)  Septage, or any part of septage, shall not be disposed of in a municipal solid waste landfill unless the waste passes the paint filter test and the landfill receiving the waste has provided the Division written documentation that the specific material will be accepted.

(5)  Septage, or any part of septage, shall not be disposed of in a dumpster unless the waste passes the paint filter test, the landfill receiving the waste is a properly permitted municipal solid waste landfill, in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .1600, and the landfill operator has provided the Division written documentation that the specific material will be accepted.

(6)  Septage, or any part of septage, managed through subsurface disposal shall be considered a treatment facility and shall require a permit in accordance with this Section and G.S. 130A-343.


(7) Facilities receiving septage, or any part of septage, for composting shall be permitted in accordance with Section .1400 of these Rules.

(e) All training, to meet the requirements of G.S. 130A-291.3(a) and (b), must be pre-approved by the Division.

(f) Waste from holding tanks, not otherwise addressed in this Section, and from wastewater systems pumped more often than every 30 days shall not be considered domestic septage and shall not be land applied at a permitted septage land application site.

(g) Inspection and entry. The permit holder of a septage management firm or facility shall allow a representative of the Division to:

(1)  Enter the permit holder's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted;

(2)  Access and copy any records required in accordance with this Section or conditions of the permit;

(3)  Inspect any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices or operations regulated by the Division;

(4)  Sample or monitor for the purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the

Federal Clean Water Act or the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act, any substances, parameters or soils at any location; and

(5)  Photograph for the purpose of documenting times of compliance or noncompliance at septage management facilities, or where appropriate to protect legitimate proprietary interests, require the permit holder to make such photos for the Division.

(h) Failure of a person to follow a requirement in any rule set forth in this Section or the taking of any action prohibited by any rule in this Section shall constitute a violation of that rule.

  1. History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. October 1, 2009. 



In addition to the terms defined in G.S. 130A-290, as used in this Section the following terms have the following meanings:


(1)  "Agronomic rates" are defined as those rates that provide the nitrogen and other nutrient needs of the crop based on available realistic yield expectations (RYE) established for a soil series through published Cooperative Extension Service bulletins, Natural Resources Conservation Service publications or county soil surveys, but do not overload the soil with nutrients or other constituents which may eventually leach to groundwater, limit crop growth, or adversely impact soil quality.

(2)  "Annual septage application rate" means the maximum amount, in gallons, of septage that can be applied to a unit area of land during a 365-day period.

(3)  "CFR" means Code of Federal Regulations.

(4)  "Department" means Department as defined in G.S. 143-212.

(5)  "Division" means the Division of Waste Management in the Department. All rules cited in this

Section, under the authority of the Division, may be obtained at 401 Oberlin Road, Raleigh, North

Carolina 27604, or at the Division's web page at www.wastenotnc.org.

(6)  "Land application" shall mean the spraying or spreading of septage onto the land surface; the injection

of septage below the land surface; or the incorporation of septage into the soil so that the septage can

condition the soil or fertilize crops or vegetation grown in the soil.

(7)  "Licensed Geologist" means an individual who is licensed to practice geology in accordance with G.S.


(8)  "Nutrient Management Plan" means a plan to define the management requirements and nutrient needs

of crops to be grown on a septage land application site, including the amount, sources, placement and timing of nutrient applications to maximize the nutrient uptake of the crop. Plan implementation shall protect the environment and maintain crop productivity.

(9)  "Place of business" means any store, warehouse, manufacturing establishment, place of amusement or recreation, service station, food handling establishment, office, or any other place where people work or are served.

(10)  "Place of public assembly" means any fairground, auditorium, stadium, church, campground, theater, school, or any other place where people gather or congregate.

(11)  "Professional Engineer" means an individual who is licensed to practice engineering in accordance with G.S. 89C.

(12)  "Residence" means any habitable home, hotel, motel, summer camp, labor work camp, mobile home, dwelling unit in a multiple-family structure, or any other place where people reside.

(13)  "Rock" means the consolidated or partially consolidated mineral matter or aggregate, including bedrock or weathered rock, not exhibiting the properties of soil.

(14)  "Seasonal High Water Table" or "SHWT" is the highest level to which the soil is saturated, as may be determined through the identification of redoximorphic features in the soil profile including low chroma mottling. This does not include temporary perched conditions. Alternatively, the SHWT can also be determined from water level measurements or via soil/groundwater modeling. 


(15)  "Septage" means septage as defined in G.S. 130A-290(a)(32) and also shall include washings from the interior of septage handling containers, including pumper trucks.

(16)  "Septage Management Facility" means land, personnel, and equipment used in the management of septage, including but not limited to, land application sites.

(17)  "Soil" means the unconsolidated mineral and organic material of the land surface. It consists of sand, silt, and clay minerals and variable amounts of organic materials.

Definitions in 40 CFR 503.9(d), (g), (h), (j), (k), (l), (r), (t), (u), (v), (w), (bb), and in 40 CFR 503.11(a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), (h), (I), (k), (l), (m), (n) are incorporated by reference including subsequent amendments and editions. Copies of the Code of Federal Regulations may be obtained from the Solid Waste Section at no cost.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. October 1, 2009. 

(18)  "Soil Scientist" means an individual who is licensed to practice soil science in accordance with G.S. 89F.

(19)  "Soil textural classes" means soil classification based upon size distribution of mineral particles in the fine-earth fraction less than two millimeters in diameter. The fine-earth fraction includes sand (2.0 0.05 mm in size), silt (0.05 mm 0.002 mm), and clay (less than 0.002 mm in size) particles. The specific textural classes are defined as follows:

(a)  "Sand" means soil material that contains 85 percent or more of sand; the percentage of silt plus 1.5 times the percentage of clay less than 15;

(b)  "Loamy sand" means soil material that contains at the upper limit 70 to 91 percent sand, and the percentage silt plus 1.5 times the percentage of clay is not less than 15; at the lower limit contains not less than 70 to 85 percent sand, and the percentage of silt plus twice the percentage of clay is less than 30;

(c)  "Sandy loam" means soil material that contains 7 to 20 percent clay, and the percentage of silt plus twice the percentage of clay exceeds 30, and contains 52 percent or more sand; or less than 7 percent clay, less than 50 percent silt, and more than 43 percent sand;

(d)  "Loam" means soil material that contains 7 to 27 percent clay, 28 to 50 percent silt, and 52 percent or less sand;

(e)  "Silt loam" means soil material that contains 50 percent or more silt and 12 to 27 percent clay; or contains 50 to 80 percent silt and less than 12 percent clay;

(f)  "Silt" means soil material that contains 80 percent or more silt and less than 12 percent clay;

(g)  "Sandy clay loam" means soil material that contains 20 to 35 percent clay and less than 28

percent silt, and more than 45 percent sand;

(h)  "Clay loam" means soil material that contains 27 to 40 percent clay and more than 20 to 46

percent sand;

(i)  "Silty clay loam" means solid material that contains 27 to 40 percent clay and 20percent or

less sand;

(j)  "Sandy clay" means soil material that contains 35 percent or more clay and 45 percent or

more sand;

(k)  "Silty clay" means soil material that contains 40 percent or more clay and 40 percent or more

silt; and

(l)  "Clay" means soil material that contains 45 percent or less sand, and less than 40 percent silt.

(20)  "Technical specialist" means an individual designated by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission, pursuant to rules adopted by that Commission, to certify animal waste management plans.

(21)  "Treatment of septage" means the preparation of septage for final use or disposal. Treatment includes, but is not limited to, thickening, stabilization, and dewatering of septage. Treatment does not include storage of septage.

Definitions in 40 CFR 503.9(d), (g), (h), (j), (k), (l), (r), (t), (u), (v), (w), (bb), and in 40 CFR 503.11(a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), (h), (I), (k), (l), (m), (n) are incorporated by reference including subsequent amendments and editions. Copies of the Code of Federal Regulations may be obtained from the Solid Waste Section at no cost.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. October 1, 2009. 




(a) All Sections of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) cited in this Section are hereby incorporated by reference, including subsequent amendments or additions.
(b) Copies of Federal statutes, test methods and procedures, and other published standards referenced in this Section are hereby incorporated by reference, including subsequent amendments or additions.

(c) Copies of all material incorporated by reference are available for inspection at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section, 401 Oberlin Road, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1646. (d) Material incorporated by reference in the Federal Register may be obtained at Government Institutes, 15200 NBN Way, Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214 at a cost of one thousand five hundred sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($1,567.50). Federal Register materials are codified once a year and may be obtained at the above address for a cost of: 40 CFR 190-259 thirty-nine dollars and seventy-five cents ($39.75), 40 CFR 425-699 sixty dollars and seventy five - cents ($60.75) or at http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr.

History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-291.1; Eff. October 1, 2009.