It is our goal to create partnerships with landowners across the Sandhills with an interest in improving their land. This is the cultivation of an idea we believe has the ability to  positively impact your property, the economy and our environment.

Wastewater treatment facilities are approaching their capacities as cities continue to grow. Several facilities across the state have already stopped accepting domestic septage or grease and have no disposal solutions for the waste stream that many citizens not connected to the city sewer system continue to generate. We worry that this predicament will increase illegal dumping and discharge of untreated wastewater which is harmful to the environment and local economy. Our goal is to create a sanitary, sustainable, and mutually beneficial solution for the responsible disposal of liquid waste generated by onsite systems in our communities, while bringing some of the treatment and processing revenue back to local landowners.

We are looking for entrepreneurial land owners and farmers across the Sandhills interested in helping to create a sustainable, profitable, environmentally responsible solution for septage disposal in our state.

We are interested in leasing tracts of land (at least 15 acres) for the land application of treated septage. We provide a nutrient management plan, take care of state compliance requirements, soil testing, and provide a generous stipend for the lease and/or management of the site, as well as a consistent, nutrient rich source of fertilizer for your crop. Before any waste is applied to land the PH is adjusted and tested by the hauler to ensure that the product is in an appropriate condition to be applied. We work with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and every land owner to ensure that each site is regularly inspected and properly maintained.